
Everything sold AS-IS, WHERE IS. All terms and conditions will be listed in the auction itself and may change depending on the auction. It is important to read through each auctions terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the terms, do not bid.

 Due to the fact that we are NOT certified mechanics, and the information provided in each auction is given to us from the school,  IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO INSPECT AND VALIDATE EACH AUCTION ITEM BEFORE BIDDING. All items are sold as is, where is, with no warranty implied. Once placed, all bids are final. If you win the item without inspecting it first, you will NOT be entitled to any refund of any kind. Please bid accordingly.


Note:  All of our auctions use a bid extended time. Extended bidding means the capability of the online auction platform to be programmed to extend the closing time of each lot automatically by a pre-determined time (up to 5 minutes for instance) as long as there is still bidding activity until all bids have been placed. “Auto extend” has the same meaning as “extended bidding”.